Lady Gaga Shows Off Comedic Talents in Saturday Night Live Promos

Lady Gaga may take her music very seriously, but she doesn't take herself very seriously, as you can see in a series of promos she's filmed for this weekend's Saturday Night Live, where she'll be the host and musical guest.

Teaming with SNL cast member Kenan Thompson, Gaga, who's dressed like a showgirl in black sequins and a very tall headpiece, seems very natural delivering her lines.  In one promo, Kenan shows Gaga his "meat watch" — a watch with a piece of ham attached to it.  Another one has him mistaking Gaga for a lamp with a blonde wig on it, and in still another, Kenan asks her to applaud so Tinkerbell won't die — and then tries to convince Gaga that a flashlight is Tinkerbell.  In yet another, the picture flips upside down and back and forth until they both pretend to vomit.

Another promo has Kenan asking Gaga about her stage name, demanding. "I have a question for you, Lady Gaga, if that IS your real name." "It is not," she replies. "Are you sure?" asks Kenan.  "Yes," replies Gaga. "Well, that really threw me for a loop," admits Kenan. When Gaga  asks Kenan if he, in fact, has any questions, he replies, "Not anymore!"

Tweeting a link to the promos, Gaga wrote, "AH! I've been envisioning this since i was 4 AND 3/4rs!"


