Last year, Lady Gaga split with her manager, Troy Carter, right before the release of ARTPOP. Now, she's giving fans a peek behind-the-scenes as to a possible reason why. In a letter posted on her social networking site, Gaga explains why the video for her single, "Do What U Want," has not yet been released, by saying that she was "betrayed" by people who "gravely mismanaged" her schedule.
"It is late because, just like with the Applause video unfortunately, I was given a week to plan and execute it," Gaga writes. "It is very devastating for someone like me…All my most successful videos were planned over a period of time when I was rested and my creativity was honored. Those who have betrayed me gravely mismanaged my time and health and left me on my own to damage control any problems that ensued as a result."
Gaga goes on to complain that she was seen as some sort of cash cow by her team, writing, "Millions of dollars are not enough for some people. They want billions. Then they need trillions. I was not enough for some people. They wanted more…unfortunately after my surgery I was too sick, too tired, and too sad to control the damage on my own. My label was not aware that this was going on."
Then, owning up to the fact that ARTPOP's reception hasn't been what was expected, Gaga writes, "The next few months of ARTPOP will truly be its beginning. Because those who did not care about ARTPOP'ssuccess are now gone, and the dreams I have been planning can now come to fruition. Please forgive me that I did not foresee this coming, I never thought after all the years of hard work that those I called friends and partners would ever care so little at a time I needed them the most."
Gaga then asks her fans to "give me a chance to show you the meaning of seeing art all around you," adding, "Open your hearts to me again that I may show you the joy of us coming together through our talents, that we are stronger as a unit than when we are alone."
She finishes by telling fans, "Let me be for you the Goddess that I know I truly am, let me show you the visions that have been in my mind for two years. I love you. Forgive me monsters. Forgive me ARTPOP. You are my whole world."
Gaga's tour in support of ARTPOP kicks off in March.